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Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure
-> Organska hrana i proizvodnja

#1: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: joziciLokacija: Novi Sad PošaljiPoslato: Pon Nov 07, 2011 4:33 pm
Nabasao u nekoj emisiji na ovaj pojam pa me zaintrigiralo.
Rec je o sadnji biljaka koje nadjubre zemljiste, poboljsaju njegovu strukturu.....
Evo clanka....

What Is Green Manure?
Green manure, also called a cover crop, is a great way to add nutrients to the soil. Green manure means planting a crop that is meant to be incorporated into the soil to increase it's fertility. Green manures can be planted in the fall after the herbs have been harvested. You can also plant your green manures as part of your crop rotation during the growing season. If you plant your green manure to grown all fall and winter, it also doubles as a cover crop and helps keep the rich topsoil from being washed away.
You turn the green manure crop into the soil in the early spring. This is done when the soil is not warm enough to plant but is Dry enough not not get compacted by working with it. If you have heavy soil, you will want to turn the green manure into the soil later in the fall so that it decomposes over the winter. It is better than working with wet, heavy soil. You should not walk on or try to work with wet soil if at all possible.

How Do I Plant Green Manure?
To plant green manure properly, you will want to do so when it is going to rain. It is essential that the seed not Dry out during the germination period. For a small herb garden, you can broadcast(or spread) the seeds by hand in an even manner. Mixing the seeds with sand or soil before spreading helps you have more control over where it goes. After you spread the seeds, rake the soil to cover them sufficiently for germination.
What Kinds Of Green Manure Are There?
There are two types of green manures: Legumes and Nonlegumes.
Legumes are plants whose roots work with the bacteria in the soil to grab Nitrogen in the atmosphere. This is called Nitrogen fixating, and is helped along by an inoculant, or treatment medium to help the legumes work. Inoculant is available at garden centers in a powder form, and will greatly improve your yields if used. Some legume green manures are Alfalfa, clover and soybeans.

Nonlegumes are all other green manures like Ryegrass, Buckwheat and Oats. There is a form of Rye called Winter Rye, that will grow in the coldest of zones and be ready to turn under in early spring. No matter what zone you are gardening in, you will find numerous green manures to fit your needs. This is another reason that your county extension office is a treasure of information . Your county extension agent should be able to identify the best green manures for your area.

How Do I Choose What Green Manure To Plant?
Choosing your green manure depends on when you want to seed and what type of soil you have. Some green manures require you to seed in the winter and others in the spring. It is best to combine more than one green manure and rotate what you plant from year to year.
Which ever you choose, green manure is a great way to add organic nutrients to your herb garden.

#2: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: daninocLokacija: Kikinda PošaljiPoslato: Ned Nov 20, 2011 11:11 am
Biljke koje se mogu koristiti za povecavanje sadrzaja azota u zemljistu, tako sto se u trenutku vrhunca njihovog razvoja jednostavno prekopa zemlja, a one zatim trule u zemljistu su izmedju ostalih Symphitum orientale i Phacelia tanacetifolia. A kontam da bi isto i kopriva mogla da se koristi.
Ne znam kolko je ovo isplativo koristiti na velikim povrsinama, ali ovo se koristi za menje delove baste ili uzdignute gredice za gajenje povrca.

#3: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: joziciLokacija: Novi Sad PošaljiPoslato: Pon Nov 21, 2011 10:38 am
daninoc citat:
Biljke koje se mogu koristiti za povecavanje sadrzaja azota u zemljistu, tako sto se u trenutku vrhunca njihovog razvoja jednostavno prekopa zemlja, a one zatim trule u zemljistu su izmedju ostalih Symphitum orientale i Phacelia tanacetifolia. A kontam da bi isto i kopriva mogla da se koristi.
Ne znam kolko je ovo isplativo koristiti na velikim povrsinama, ali ovo se koristi za menje delove baste ili uzdignute gredice za gajenje povrca.

Zemlja ne treba da se prekopava, cak je i pozeljno da se koren ostavi posto se bas na korenu tih biljaka nalaze bakterje azotofiksatori koji azot iz vazduha vežu za zemlju.
Za povećanje azota naravno može se koristiti i dugačiji metod, dodavanjem skoro svih biljaka koje bi bile ostavljene da istrunu u zemlji (kompostiranjem ili direktno).

#4: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: daninocLokacija: Kikinda PošaljiPoslato: Pon Nov 21, 2011 12:30 pm
Znam za neke fabaceae da su azotofiksatori, a nisam siguran za Boraginaceae. Very Happy


#5: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: joziciLokacija: Novi Sad PošaljiPoslato: Uto Nov 22, 2011 10:07 am
Na prolece cu uz seme trave dodati i belu detelinu i to ce biti kanda sve od mene po ovoj ideji Smile

#6: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: YohananLokacija: Daruvar PošaljiPoslato: Čet Jan 10, 2013 4:26 pm
To se zove zelena gnojidba ili sideracija...

#7: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: Mrsko_temerinLokacija: Temerin PošaljiPoslato: Pet Feb 14, 2014 1:18 pm
za fiksiranje azote mogu se koristiti sve leguminoze,a postoje bakterije koje se mogu kupiti,pa se sa njima seme tretira,cak uopste nisu skupe,tako da ce vam ustedeti prostor i vreme. Smile

#8: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: VladanLokacija: Срем PošaljiPoslato: Sub Apr 18, 2015 7:56 am
Направио сам природно ђубриво у комбинацији коре банана, прах од љуски јаја и коприве. Коприву сам раније потопио у воду и прошао процес врења. Све сам то смиксао и додао кишницу. Видећу да тај концентрат разблажим са водом 1:10 и заливати биљке, пре свега парадајз. Свега ту има.. азота, калијума, калцијума.. ах да, додао сам и пепела.

Како ви правите природна ђубрива?

#9: Re: Zeleno djubrivo - Green manure Autor: Aron021Lokacija: Novi Sad PošaljiPoslato: Sub Apr 18, 2015 10:46 am
Ja sam napravio dve posebne kombinacije. Pre dva meseca sam napravio smešu za bioenzim (ostaci od voća i povrća, šećer i voda), nadam se da će biti za nekih mesec dana gotovo.
A pre dva dana sam pomešao samo sušenu koprivu i vodu. Našao sam taj recept na netu. Da li ovo đubrivo od koprive sme da se koristi i za saksijske bilje?

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